Nicio postare deocamdata
Nicio postare deocamdata
Hello, I have submitted a withdraw request and even though my verification have been successfully completed, Betano doesn't proceed to the payment. I asked the customer support and they told me additional checks in security member's accounts are in prοgress and they don't know the time of the finalization. Is this something common because i found it very strange. They don't request any more documentation from my side and I even offered to come physically to their office with all the documents i possess. For depositing, this securing procedure was really fast with less documents needed and now they are stalling for unexplained reasons. How much should I wait? Do i need to contact with a lawyer? Multumesc Frumos

Suggestion: It would be much better if they would inform the customer that they need 3 days to process the payment and I could happily wait than having this awkward message about security member's additional checks without knowing the finalization date.