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In urma cu o saptamana, m-am inscris la Betfair pentru a beneficia de o cota marita pentru victoria lui Manchester City. In termenii si conditiile promotiei spunea foarte clar ca eventualul castig de pe urma cotei marite va fi creditat sub forma de bonus. Ba chiar am vorbit cu un operator, care m-a asigurat ca era vorba de un bonus. Manchester City a castigat, asa-zisul bonus l-am rulat pe o cota de 1.2, cat era minimul. Pariul a fost castigat, insa in cont mi-a fost creditat doar PROFITUL, nu si suma bonusului. De aici rezulta ca nu este vorba despre niciun bonus, ci despre un FREEBET, insa nu asta era scris la termeni si conditii. Intre timp, s-a reparat ''greseala'', iar la termeni apare ca este vorba despre un freebet, dar important este ca pana acum Betfair a pacalit zeci de mii de clienti care s-au inregistrat pe site tocmai datorita aceestor cote marite, iar asa ceva este de neconceput pentru o casa de pariuri cu pretentii. Mai jos las conversatia pe care am avut-o cu operatorul, care m-a asigurat si el ca este vorba de un bonus, dupa ce la inceput se balbaise putin in privinta asta. Hello welcome to Betfair you are chatting with Justin. How can I help? End-user: Hello End-user: today i made my account and opted in for odd 6 for manchester city End-user: but i played another bets in this time. can i withdraw? i will still have the bonus? Justin: Let me take a look at this for you. Justin: Can I take your username or email address please? End-user: oh, forgot that, it's ok End-user: i have to roll only 250 RON End-user: but in t&c it sais only odd 1.20 End-user: to finish the bonus End-user: that's real? End-user: or it's a freebet? End-user: Justin: I'd need to take a look at the account, the bet, and the promotion you're referring to. Justin: Thank you,may I ask you the security questions on your account? It's the Prenumele tatălui and your date of birth. End-user: xxx End-user: xx.xx.xxxx Justin: Thank you Justin: Ah ok yes that's a free bet. End-user: you sholud re-write your terms and conditions End-user: there sais it's a bonus Justin: Ah apologies it's a bonus my mistake. End-user: so, only a 1.20 and i will rollover my bonus, right? Justin: You'd need to wager that 250 RON bonus. End-user: yes, only one time End-user: and after i can make a withdraw, right? Justin: Let me check. Justin: Currently I can't confirm as it's showing in another language, I will ask about this and e-mail you to confirm, however that's usually how it goes. End-user: ok, so it's a bonus, right? Justin: Yes of course.